This is a guest post from my good friend Nick Kelly.   One of the greatest aspects of our nutrition business is that Stacia and I get to work, learn and travel together. We get to work from wherever we’d like, and we have met some wonderful people who are now a huge part […]

The Power Of Residual Income

Frustrated Salespeople Are you a frustrated salesperson who loves selling and working with people but are frustrated that you only get paid once for each transaction, and you feel like you are only as good as your last sale? Thank you for requesting the FREE REPORT on building an income […]

Frustrated Sales Person

Multivitamin/mineral supplementation in obese adults may result in positive effects on body weight and blood lipids At a Glance Research suggests that obese individuals who use a multivitamin/mineral supplement may experience both a decrease in body weight and improved serum lipid profiles. Read more about this research below. Obese individuals […]

MultiVitamin/Mineral Supplementation in Obese Adults

At a GlanceResearch shows that people incorporating fortified meal replacements are more likely to have adequate essential nutrient intakes compared to a group following a more traditional food group diet. Read more about this research below. A frequent problem with weight-loss diets is that in the process of reducing total […]

Dietary Supplements and Meal Replacements

The holiday season has come upon us again.  This time of year, more than any other is when people dream about what they would like their life to look like in the new year and beyond.  Some of the main “resolutions” or “goals” that people have revolve around weight loss, […]

Reaching Our Goals