In the book “The Four Hour Workweek” by Tim Ferriss, he talks about the difference between career planning and lifestyle planning.  Many people are accustomed to the traditional “career planning” or deferred life plan where you try to accumulate a certain amount of money in order to “comfortably retire” […]

From Making A Living To Creating A Lifestyle

The United States and world economy have been going through a major recession over the past few years.  During the past few years we have been bombarded with negative news about the stock market hitting new record lows, large companies laying off thousands of employees, shrinking retirement funds and decreasing […]

Whose recession?

Over the course of your life have you ever wished you could be a ROCK STAR performing in front of thousands of fans, and having the audience at your fingertips?  I believe this to be an ambition and desire that many people have throughout there life.    Unfortunately,  all may not be […]

Being A Rock Star In Your Own LIfe

  Chase your passion, not your pension-Denis Waitley Being true to yourself means trusting in yourself, and acting in accordance with your core beliefs, and the dreams and goals which you have set for yourself. We are in ultimate control of our lives, and deserve to create the life of […]

Being True To Yourself

Especially, when it comes to what you put in your body. There has been many negative news or stories about nutritional supplements. There have been many questions raised regarding the quality of the products produced by the industry as a whole.  In 2013, a New York Times article raised questions […]

Quality is Key (What High Quality Nutritional supplements and Cars ...