Creating Your Own Opportunity


Are you in the process of looking for a new job?  Whether you are unsatisfied with your current position, looking to make more money, or are looking for work after relocating to a new location; finding and obtaining a new position can be tedious and frustrating at times.  The process of applying for different positions, and waiting to hear back can be frustrating, especially considering once you apply their is no guarantee whether you will hear back from the places which you applied to.

While we do not have control over we will hear back from companies we applied to, we do have the ability to make choices that enable us to take our financial and personal future in our own hands.  In a time when 80% of people are dis satisfied with their jobs (1), and the concept of “job security” is not what it used to be, we can no longer trust our financial to outside sources.  Many large companies often make large layoffs when they need to, and the average employee tenure at one place is five years, and three years for millennials.

Recently America’s largest employer Walmart announced that they will be closing 154 stores in the United States and Puerto Rico.  This will cause a big problem for the local economies as well as the people that work there.  Also, large pharmaceutical company Johnson and Johnson announced that they are laying off three thousand employees.  In the past, careers at large multi national companies were thought to be safe and secure, and the companies would take care of you with a nice retirement package after a certain amount of time.

Noted economist and author Paul Zane Pilzer has stated “the biggest challenge today is not making money, but what are we going to do with all of the displaced unemployed people.

Best selling author Brian Tracy has said “The more you seek security, the less of it you will have.  But the more you seek opportunity the more likely you will achieve the security you were looking for.  Their has never been a better time to follow our bliss and take our lives in to our own hands.

Life is too short and precious to do work that isn’t satisfying or fulfilling.  Each one of us has talents and abilities to share with others and the world around us.

Thankfully, amidst all of the negative news which we hear so often about everything happening around us, there is a HUGE silver lining. Their are actually more opportunities now to create WEALTH AND ABUNDANCE for ourselves than there have ever been in the past.  Their are simple opportunities and easy opportunities to create some easy money by taking surveys online.  It is a relatively simple and easy process.  All you have to do is enter your personal information in, and

Just as there are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and fall, there are also different financial seasons such as recessions, economic booms, and depressions. Economic downturns are the times in which you should be planting your financial seeds in preparation for the spring of the next economic boom. This is the best time to create your own THRIVING ECONOMY, and model what rich and successful people do to recession proof there income, and live the life of there dreams no uwmatter how the rest of the economy is doing

According to Len Clement’s of MarketWave Inc. a recession causes people to open there mind’s to other gaining alternative sources of income because they realize that there once secure “j.o.b.” is no longer secure, and they would like to find way’s to take a hold of there own future.  Noted economist and former economic advisor to the Reagan presidential administration Paul Zane Pilzer has stated that the wellness and network marketing industries create a “Perfect Storm of Opportunity” to create today’s and tomorrow’s new wealth. The two main features of an opportunity in the wellness industry are products that promote wellness and a business model which promotes steady income and the opportunity for financial freedom.  One of my favorite parts of being involved is being connected with a organization and family of people who want nothing more than for you to be happy, reach your dreams, and help others reach their goals. No matter what rank or title our supreme goal is to help people love their lives and live it to its fullest. I believe the network marketing profession is perfect for anyone who wants more out of life, believes their is more to life than living paycheck to paycheck and letting another person or entity determine your worth and time.  On August 29th of 2014, Forbes magazine released an article about how the entire industry is poised for growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to the retirement savings crisis.  To read the full article click Retirement Income


About Chris

My name is Chris Poorten and I believe we have all been put on this earth for a purpose, and we all have many great strengths and talents to share with the world. Our lives are meant to be led with abundance, TRUE HEALTH, and service to others. I am very passionate about helping others there own desired lifestyle Throughout my life I have had an interest in psychology, human behavior, what makes people do different things and why some people become more successful than others. I first picked up the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki around 2001/2002 and it really changed how I viewed jobs, making money, and how one approaches life. One of the main concepts in the book is the importance and benefits of entrepreneurship to create assets that will generate long term income. Over the course of my life I have held many different types of jobs, some of which I enjoyed, and others where I did not feel very happy or fulfilled inside. As a result of this, I decided to use some of the lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad and look into opportunities to make money outside of a regular job. In doing so, I learned that there is an abundance of opportunities available to earn money and even create true FINANCIAL FREEDOM for yourself. After researching many different options I fell across with an opportunity that I fell in love with. I am able to utilize my passion for helping people with the ability to improve peoples health and financial well being. I truely enjoy being able to make a positive impact in others lives, while helping others do the same. I look forward to hearing how I can help you out.

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