Network Marketing/MLM and Retirement Income

I recently came across this article on and thought it would be very important to share.  I was very happy to see an article expressing all of the positive benefits and aspects the MLM and Network Marketing industry offers the average person in todays volatile and ever changing world.

About ten years ago I was not satisfied with the job that I had (both financially and emotionally) and began to look into other ways to make money outside of a traditional j.o.b.  After researching different opportunities such as EBAY, affiliate marketing, blogging, etc, I was introduced to a world class nutritional and wellness company which uses the Network Marketing business model as a way to distribute it’s products while enabling the average person an opportunity to create life long income.

My experience has been similar to what is described in the article below.  One of my favorite parts of being involved is being connected with a organization and family of people who want nothing more than for you to be happy, reach your dreams, and help others reach their goals.  No matter what rank or title our supreme goal is to help people love their lives and live it to its fullest.  I believe the network marketing profession is perfect for anyone who wants more out of life, believes their is more to life than living paycheck to paycheck and letting another person or entity determine your worth and time


Would You Join A Multi-Level Marketing Company For Retirement Income?

At some point in your life you’ve been pitched a multi-level marketing (MLM), direct selling, or network marketing business opportunity.  While the pitch varies from company to company, it basically promises a chance to ditch your 9-5 work schedule, be your own boss, and make lots of money while making new friends in the process.

It all sounds good on paper, yet there is a seemingly endless debate over whether these companies and programs are legitimate business opportunities or not, so I dug in and got the real scoop.  As a result, I believe that the entire industry is poised for explosive growth and can be one of the most significant solutions to America’s current retirement savings crisis.

Initially, that may sound like a bold statement, but it’s not if you understand retirement the way I do.  The reality is, making a successful transition into retirement has more to do with psychology than with money… and the same may hold true for multi-level and network marketing.

Don’t get me wrong, money has a role in retirement, but it’s not the primary one every one gives it.  Combine that concept with eye-opening statistics like AARP’s estimate that half of all baby boomers (76 million) are interested in starting a business and the makings of a massive trend are in place.

As far as the retirement saving crisis is concerned, more and more people are coming to terms with the fact that they probably aren’t going to be able to save enough money to just sit around and slowly deplete their nest egg from age 62 to 100.  With the average 50 year-old estimated to have less than $50,000 in retirement savings, there is an obvious need to find alternative ways to either save more or generate supplemental income starting now, and continuing throughout retirement.  Moving beyond just the dollars and cents, boomers are growing tired of feeling guilty or bad about their past savings habits and are interested in moving towards possible solutions.


Click here for the rest of the article: FREEDOM

For some information on an opportunity to make a difference in people’s lives while creating the income and lifestyle you desire: Rock Your Life

About Chris

My name is Chris Poorten and I believe we have all been put on this earth for a purpose, and we all have many great strengths and talents to share with the world. Our lives are meant to be led with abundance, TRUE HEALTH, and service to others. I am very passionate about helping others there own desired lifestyle Throughout my life I have had an interest in psychology, human behavior, what makes people do different things and why some people become more successful than others. I first picked up the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki around 2001/2002 and it really changed how I viewed jobs, making money, and how one approaches life. One of the main concepts in the book is the importance and benefits of entrepreneurship to create assets that will generate long term income. Over the course of my life I have held many different types of jobs, some of which I enjoyed, and others where I did not feel very happy or fulfilled inside. As a result of this, I decided to use some of the lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad and look into opportunities to make money outside of a regular job. In doing so, I learned that there is an abundance of opportunities available to earn money and even create true FINANCIAL FREEDOM for yourself. After researching many different options I fell across with an opportunity that I fell in love with. I am able to utilize my passion for helping people with the ability to improve peoples health and financial well being. I truely enjoy being able to make a positive impact in others lives, while helping others do the same. I look forward to hearing how I can help you out.

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