Healthy Holidays


The holiday season is now upon us, it is a time of holiday parties, travel, time with family, shopping, and many other things.

While it is important to stay healthy all throughout the year, it is essential we remember to take care of ourselves during the holiday season as we may experience more stress than normal, and are exposed to many temptations and indulgences while at holiday parties and on the go.

Being healthy while traveling and during the holiday season is very possible, as long as you are prepared.  Traveling can be especially tough since you may not be able to control the food that is available while in airports and on the road.  Planning ahead by making healthy meals and snacks instead of spending money on unhealthy food that we may not know how it was prepared, and what exactly is in it can be beneficial in maintaining our healthy lifestyle.  Additionally, healthy protein and meal replacement shakes and bars can be very helpful in maintaining blood sugar levels while keeping you full and satiated throughout the day. Their are some shakes and bars which taste like chocolate cake, fudge brownies, chocolate chip cookies, vanilla, and many of your other favorite traditional sweets.

When choosing a meal replacement/protein shake or snack bar it is important to choose one that has a healthy balance of carbohydrates, fats, fiber and protein.  It is important that the shake and bar be certified low glycemic to give sustained energy.  You can even make a healthy variation of your favorite holiday drink by using meal replacement or protein powder instead of unhealthy fat and sugar laden traditional ingredients.

Holiday parties and gatherings can be especially tough if we are allergic or sensitive to certain foods such as wheat/gluten, sugar, nuts or other foods. If possible, find out what will be served at a party or function, and notify the host of your situation to see if arrangements can be made. If you feel that your food choices will be limited at a function it may be best to eat a light to medium meal beforehand and pick on the things which you can eat so you don’t feel starved and lose energy. Pot luck parties can be a chance to cook healthy food and share it with others attending. For example, instead of a carbohydrate heavy meal like ziti or pasta, consider making spaghetti squash or zucchini pasta. Spaghetti squash or zucchini pasta can taste similar to a traditional pasta when adding olive oil, garlic, spices, and cheeses as needed.  For an ebook on Healthy Holiday recipes click the underlined link.

Making sure we get enough rest is one of the most important things we can do for our immune system, if we are not getting enough rest, we aren’t getting the repair process needed.  We can help our digestive system out by drinking healthy shakes, refraining from junk that inflames the intestinal track and doing our best to put ourselves in a peaceful state and getting the restful sleep that is needed.

Along with eating healthy foods, including certain vitamins and minerals can be beneficial in making sure our bodies are prepared for the business and cold winter weather of the holiday season.  A high quality pharmaceutical grade vitamin and mineral should always be the backbone of any nutritional regiment.  Vitamin D (particularly the D3 form) can be especially important in the winter time because of the decrease in sunlight that we receive.  Vitamin D is a fat soluble vitamin which plays a vital role in the human body including bone growth, immune health, and some studies have even shown it to be beneficial in preventing the flu (1).  Some additional supplements that can be beneficial during the holiday season are digestive enzymes to help relieve stomach discomfort, indigestion and sense of over fullness after a large meal, and

While the holiday season is traditionally a time of giving to others, it is just as important to take some to ourselves, reflect on the past year, and give gratitude to what we have, and where we are going.  This is very important if we find ourselves to be stressed during holiday functions and gatherings.  Practicing gratitude is a great way to ground oneself, and take appreciation for what he have, while strengthening our immune systems.  Everyone’s life is precious, and we are all born with individual skills and talents to share with those around us.





About Chris

My name is Chris Poorten and I believe we have all been put on this earth for a purpose, and we all have many great strengths and talents to share with the world. Our lives are meant to be led with abundance, TRUE HEALTH, and service to others. I am very passionate about helping others there own desired lifestyle Throughout my life I have had an interest in psychology, human behavior, what makes people do different things and why some people become more successful than others. I first picked up the book “Rich Dad Poor Dad” by Robert Kiyosaki around 2001/2002 and it really changed how I viewed jobs, making money, and how one approaches life. One of the main concepts in the book is the importance and benefits of entrepreneurship to create assets that will generate long term income. Over the course of my life I have held many different types of jobs, some of which I enjoyed, and others where I did not feel very happy or fulfilled inside. As a result of this, I decided to use some of the lessons from Rich Dad Poor Dad and look into opportunities to make money outside of a regular job. In doing so, I learned that there is an abundance of opportunities available to earn money and even create true FINANCIAL FREEDOM for yourself. After researching many different options I fell across with an opportunity that I fell in love with. I am able to utilize my passion for helping people with the ability to improve peoples health and financial well being. I truely enjoy being able to make a positive impact in others lives, while helping others do the same. I look forward to hearing how I can help you out.

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